Secondary (Years 7–15) / wharekura, Certificated teacherEnglish, Health and physical education, Learning languages, Mathematics and statistics, Science, Social sciences, Technology, Te reo Maori, The arts, Hauora, Hangarau, Nga Reo, Nga Toi, Te Reo Maori, Te Reo Pakeha, Tikanga a-iwi, Pangarau, PutaiaoTe Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) is New Zealand's largest school with a roll of up to 24,000 akonga (students) at any point of time. We provide personalised learning programmes from early childhood to NCEA Level 3.Our akonga are at the centre of all we do. We are privileged to have the opportunity to support many akonga on their learning journey including many at risk akonga.Our vision is to enable our akonga to achieve their educational and personal goals, empowering them to become engaged and contributing members of their communities. Ki te ti, ki te ta, ki te katoa – Anytime, anywhere, anyone.We are looking for an innovative and collaborative Team Leader, who'll guide a team working across all levels of NCEA.This is a great opportunity if you have teaching experience with any age group from years 11-13 and an interest in a middle leadership position. This role has a teaching component, so applicants must have full New Zealand Teacher Registration.You'll have an in-depth understanding of Big Picture principles and implementation, plus a track record of working positively to deliver on organisational strategic direction. You'll manage the teaching team, assist with building a dynamic teaching and learning environment and ensure the delivery of high-quality teaching and pastoral support to our akonga (students).How to applyPlease send your CV, and direct enquiries to:Physical address:11 Portland Crescent, Thorndon, Wellington