KO WAI MATOU | Who are we? SociaLink - Tuhono Papori (Social Sector Innovation WBOP Charitable Trust) was established in 2012 to meet the need for an overarching body to raise awareness of, empower and support, the mahi of the Social and Community Sector in Tauranga and the western Bay of Plenty.
In 2020, the Board of Trustees adopted a 'Two House' governance structure to support a Te Tiriti partnership model. The Board includes at least eight members: four identifying as Maori (one seat for Ngai Tamarawaho) and four as non-Maori. Additionally, three seats are reserved for local iwi representation on the Tuhono Papori/SociaLink Board.
Over the past year SociaLink - Tuhono Papori has engaged with local Rangatira Maori to explore how the partnership model could be developed at the operational level, on the basis of this the Board have decided to further engage with local iwi and hapu to inform the development of a Maori strategy that would sit alongside SociaLink - Tuhono Papori strategic plan which is due to be reviewed in 2025.
HE WHAI TAKE |Position purpose This position has evolved from theMaori Engagement Advisor role as SociaLink – Tuhono Papori commences the development of a Maori Strategy.
MO TE TURANGA | About the role This is a part-time position working25 hours per week(0.625 FTE)Develop and maintain relationships with kaupapa Maori organisations, including marae, hapu, iwi, Maori Land Trust etc.Explore opportunities to add value to kaupapa Maori development that support a holistic view of well-being with a focus to improve social outcomes.Contribute and advocate for policy analysis and development opportunities for Maori development e.g. Tiriti principles, media, submissions.Oversee and support the Whakamana Tangata Programme which provides wrap-around support to kaupapaMaori providers to secure funding to achieve their aspirations.Oversee and support the Kai Whakawhanake Rautaki work of engaging with local iwi and hapu to inform the development of theMaori strategy.Oversee and support the implementation of theMaori strategy.Promote the services of Tuhono Papori to kaupapa Maori organisations.Support and provide information with the CEO to theMaori caucus and SociaLink board members onMaori Development.NGA PUMANAWATANGA OU |About you Be comfortable in Te Ao Maori/Tangata Whenua/Mana Whenua space – Te reo me ngatikanga is essential to working with hapori Maori.Diplomacy and experience in engaging with iwi and hapu/marae, Maori businesses in all Maori development.Have respect and an understanding across kaupapa Maori development to Te Ao Maori providing a holistic approach to the four Pou of well-being; Social, Cultural, Economic and Environmental spaces that have a specific approach to social development.Experience in managing staff/contractorsExperience to provide and support a safe and cultural environment for Maori - ManaakitangaExperience in strategy development and implementationRelationships Internal:
SociaLink Chief Executive + teamWhakamana Tangata teamKai Whakawhananke RautakiBoard of Trustees Maori caucus.External:
Local iwi and hapuMaori Land trusts + Ara Rau TangataKohanga Reo/Puna Reo/Kura Kaupapa/WanangaMaraeSmall health and social service providers (hapu/trusts)NGA AHUATANGA KEI A MATOU | What we offer The opportunity to develop the role and make it your ownA workplace where your skills, knowledge and expertise are valuedAn environment where being innovative, bold and learning through experimenting is encouragedFlexibility in the hours you work.To work at and be a part of The Kollective, an innovative, new, co working space for not for profitsGrow and extend your networks across the not-for-profit sector across the WBOPApplications close on 9th January 2025 with interviews taking place the week of 29th-31st January 2025. Please ensure to include a cover letter with your CV. Nga mihi