Mo matau | AboutusAs a proudly indigenous tertiary educator, 'tauirasuccess' is our mission and 'whanau transformation through education' isour vision, guiding our commitment to delivering quality education programmesunderpinned by Maori culture and values.Our kaimahi (employees) enjoy a whanau-friendlyworkplace and a great range of benefits to support their wellbeing and that oftheir whanau:Free health and lifeinsurance for permanent kaimahi.For permanent kaimahi, fourextra leave days each year to celebrate Matariki and Christmas, plus specialleave available for those involved in cultural or sporting events.Flexible work hours for non-rostered positions and work-from-homeoptions for positions that can be performed remotely.Free car parking at ourmain campuses.Mo tenei mahi | About this jobWe are seeking a social work practiceexperienced Kaiako to deliver the Nga Poutoko Whakarara Oranga - Bachelor ofBicultural Social Work Level 7 programme.
This is permanent full-time (hours per week) employment, based in Tauranga.As Kaiako, you will plan, prepare, deliver,and motivate tauira learning.
An essential part of this role involvesundertaking rangahau (research) activities that inform teaching practice andmaintain a high-quality programme.Mou | About youThe ideal Kaiako must be able to understand Social Work from a Maori andnon-Maori perspective.
You will need to have the ability to develop anddispense Maori bodies of knowledge contextualized to social work practice,knowledge of bicultural frameworks, and the ability to plan and deliver them.You will bring with you:A Master'sdegree (L9) in social work/related subject or be enrolled and part way throughcompletingNewZealand Certificate in Adult Tertiary Teaching Level 5 (NZCATT L5) orequivalent, or be willing to complete during the first year of employmentHave aFull and current NZ Driver LicenceHave aClean Police RecordHave Fulland current registration and practicing certificate with the NZ Social WorkRegistration Board prior to employmentBe ableto demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of te reo and tikanga Maori within abicultural frameworkProvenadult teaching experienceThis position is classed as a Core Worker under the VulnerableChildren's Act so you will need to pass a safety check, inclusive of PoliceVetting, under the Vulnerable Children's Act 2014As akaupapa Maori organisation, your willingness to participate in culturalactivities and develop an understanding of Ahuatanga Maori (values, culture andtikanga) will be key.Please Note: TeWananga o Aotearoa is closed from 19 December 2024 and re-opens on 15 January2025.
We will respond to queries and applications when we return in January2025.Tonoa i tenei ra!
| Apply today!If we've outlined arole that matches your capabilities and aspirations, and a workplace that appeals,apply today as applications will close as soon as we have a suitable shortlist.A position description is available on our career's website.
For any other queries, please email Position description