Only for registered members
Fiordland Community
NZD 30,000 - 60,000
The Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu nomination and appointment process is being undertaken to appoint a new Ngai Tahu representative to the Fiordland Marine Guardians.
Functions of the Fiordland Marine Guardians:
To provide advice and recommendations to management agencies and Ministers to achieve the purpose of the Act.
Facilitate and promote the integrated management of FMA.
Obtain, share and monitor information on the state of the FMA.
Assist management agencies to:
Prepare and disseminate information about the FMA, including educational information.
Monitor the state of the marine environment (and biological diversity) in the FMA.
Plan for the enforcement of, and compliance with, the management of the FMA.
Conduct any reviews that they are invited by the Minister for the Environment to conduct, and agree to conduct.
Purpose of the role: The purpose of this role is to represent the Ngai Tahu perspective to the Fiordland Marine Guardians ensuring that any issues of tribal significance are reported to Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu while also ensuring that tribal matters of significance are represented to the Fiordland Marine Guardians.
Required skills, experience and qualifications:
Knowledge, experience and expertise in one or more aspects relevant to the management of the Fiordland (Te Moana o Atawhenua) Marine Area.
The ability to work with other members of the Guardians and with agency officials to establish common goals and work cooperatively to achieve them.
The ability to network and consult effectively with stakeholders and community groups.
An understanding of effective governance and strategy.
The interest, enthusiasm, and time needed to contribute effectively to the work of the Fiordland Marine Guardians.
How to apply: To apply for the position you will need to engage with your Papatipu Runanga to complete the nomination process.
Papatipu Runanga eligible to nominate for the Fiordland Marine Guardians:
For details on how to apply, assistance connecting with your Runanga, or further information please contact Mishele Radford on 021 943 816 or ******.
Nominations must be received by the close of business on Friday 10 January 2025.
Formal notification will be sent to all nominees following a review and appointment process.
Reference # 32059